
Showing posts from February, 2016


21st century is the era of information technology hundred. after a highly developed countries have to move forward step by step. One of the major discoveries of mankind is a computer.Today's generation of mobile phones and the Internet, and hard to imagine that there is a computer. This is of course progressing my country. Information technology concept information and communications technology is the concept of the whole process of obtaining information using information and communications equipment, distribution, processing, storage, transmission and use. And the most valuable of professions and hit the number of head of information technology at present. The world's highest-paid work among this sector has already been entered, rather one of jobs, more growth and demand, valuable and rewarding future.When one talks about information technology began preparing for our universities, enrollment, two types of software engineers, hardware engineers and specialists.  who hav


1.             Department    -      албан газар, хэлтэс , яам, дүүрэг  2.             Restructuring -       бүтцийн өөрчлөлт , шинэчлэл, шинэ зохион байгуулалт 3.             growing         -       өсөн нэмэгдэж , ургуулах,   өргөжиж буй, олширч буй 4.             workload       -     ачаалал, ажлын ачаалал, дарамттай ажил 5.             increasing      -     нэмэгдэж буй, өсөж буй, олширсон, нэмэгдэж байна 6.             dealing           -     ажиллаж , арилжаа, ажиллагаа,   харилцаа,хууль бус наймаа,  7.             effectively      -     үр дүнтэй ,   бодитоор, амжилттайгаар 8.             dividing         -     хувааж ,   заагласан, хуваах 9.             quality           -     чанар ,   сайн чанарын, давуу тал 10.           assurance       -      баталгаа , өөртөө итгэх итгэл, даатгал 11.           providing       -     хангалт, бэлтгэл, үзүүлэх 12.           support          -     дэмжлэг   ,   тулгуур, түшиг тулгуур  13.           responsibility -   үү